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Rich Mindset/thinking/attitudes-----------Pool Mindset/thinking/attitudes.
The Rich believe “I create my life” Believe “Life happens to me”
Play the money game to win.
Their goal is to have massive
wealth and abundance. The Poor Play to lose. Their goal is “To have enough to pay bills” the middle class play for comfort. Chances are they may not really be comfortable.
Focus and committed to being rich but the poor are Uncommitted and unforced

The rich do not send mixed signals to the universe.but the poor people are wavering in their desire and send mixed signals to the universe. Not willing to pay the price.

Think big. They plan to serve a massive number of people but the poor Think small,
maintenance sustenance.
They take challenges. Manage risk and focus on opportunities but the poor always
avoid anything that looks like trouble. They focus on the problems and not the fruits.
They see people as assets. They leverage with others. Know how to recruit smart people to work for them. but the poor view people with suspect.They want to
alone. They are lone –rangers and short rangers. They say “it will work because I’ll make it work”.but the poor says what if it doesn’t work? Or more bluntly, “it won’t work”

They have confidences in themselves, their thoughts and ideas.but the poor always
doubt themselves, their thoughts and ideas.
Expect to succeed through another way if they fall in their present business.But the poor Believe it would be catastrophic and suicidal

Would say: How can I afford it? They put on their thinking cap but the poor Would say “I cannot afford it” they put off their thinking cap.

Encourage their children to study so that they can own companies/businesses but the poor Encourage their children to study and make good grades so they can find a good company to work for.

Would say to their children; the reason I must be rich is because I have you kids. but the poor Would say: the reason I’m not rich is because I have you kids.

Sees money as a Blessing and as power and as freedom but the poor Sees money as evil and would say “money doesn’t matter”

Which of the groups do you belong to. be wise and dominate