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What is dream if I may ask?
Dream is the spiritual unfolding of divine plan and purpose as it relates to you and the mental picture of the future.
- David Oyedepo
Dreams are good but anyone that lacks the necessary qualifications because of self ambitions and unwanted qualities soon will become a burden to you.
I really appreciate what Oscar Hammerstein said “If you don’t have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?” some people would say I want to own a big company, some say I want to become a barrister, Doctor, Engineer and so on because may be they love how they dress and the income they can earn from that without looking at their competency, qualifications and ability and that is why they end up as take doctors and others.
All am saying is that not all ideas are good for you, so you need to be careful of bringing the mental picture into reality.
There are basically three classes of people that can either build or destroy your dream
They are;
Ø The dream Makers
Ø The dream Takers
Ø The dream Haters
The dream makers tries to substitute for your dream by giving a counterfeit or wrong idea(s) and encouragement that will make all the effort you used in bringing your dream to reality to become futile. So be careful of the people you call your mentors, friends and colleagues. Dream makers can also give or select something that is not your dream and ask you to take or accept it and that will led you into big mess and frustration. So you have to believe in your own dream and not some one’s else dream.
The Dream Takers are people who build on our ideas, dream(s) reveal to them by you. They grab it and build their future upon it and become successful, so you need to be careful of people you reveal your dream(s) to either by error of commission or omission. These people are also known as dream stealers. They can be your most trusted friends, mentors and others and that is why every human being must have secrets that he or she can’t expose to anyone part from God. Even the Bible said in the book of Proverbs that “A man without rule over his own body is like a city without wall”.
Dream Haters are people also known as in abbreviation E.OP (Enemies of Progress). They are there never to let you succeed. They will want to do every thing possible to stop you from becoming what you want to become in life.
They are mostly your relatives, family members, friends and neighbours. You need to be careful of them and not to hate them back because of they hated you.
One thing with them is that when they think they are pushing you out of the track or from that ordinary position, they are only pushing you to that extraordinary level where it’s only eagles that can soar there. So be careful and have love for them.
Lastly you must know at time that you alone can hinder yourself from succeeding. That is why I agreed with Dwight L Moody when he said “I have never met a man who has given me as much trouble as myself”. It is only you that can be a contributor to your failure. That is what K.C. price said, “If you succeed its your fault, if you fail its your fault”. So be careful of yourself.
They way you see yourself can also be a hindrance. Inferiority complex is also a contributor. “You can’t consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself”. Zig Zigler “Too many people overvalue what they aren’t and undervalue what they are” John mason.
You have to believe in yourself and know that you are capable of becoming the unthinkable, that’s what can make you succeed.
“You may succeed if nobody else believes in you, but you will never succeed if you don’t believe in yourself” Said John Mason.
“Finally you must know that your future depends on many things but mostly depends on many things, but mostly on you” Frank Tyger.
Think unthinkably and bring the mental picture into reality Ewunee Confidence.


Champions are people that have triumph and overcome a certain obstacle and emerge victorious.
Challenges are trying times, difficulties and worst experience encountered by an individual.
If there is no challenge, then there will be no champion. A champion must make sure that he doesn’t succumb to situation but confront it to achieve success that is why I said “Succumbness to situation result defeat but confrontation leads to success.
A champion is a person that must have patience in order to tackle the problem very well. That is why I agreed with what David Zucker said, he said “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it”. Don’t be surprise if you still see that situation or that problem coming up again, it’s only trying to examine or see whether if you emerge victorious you can handle that previous thing with carefulness.
Champions always accept challenges despite the shame couple with the blame after so many test certain period or season. They persevere though people might be making jest of them because they’ve failed several times but at the end of that contest, they always emerge champions/victorious by breaking the records which no one has ever broken.
Robert Schuller said “When the going gets tough the tough gets going” yes I agreed with him because the touch people are the champions while goings are the difficult times, it’s a kind of no retreat no surrender in order to emerge victorious.
He also said “Tough times never last but tough people do” of course if the toughest or difficult situation goes off and the person also gives up, then there is no winner or champion.
For you to emerge victorious, you must first of all finish the battle. That is why I agreed what Rick Mears said “To finish first you must first finish” in the sense that you should overcome that situation before claiming certified winner or champion.
Are you a champion or a looser?
Get up and take a positive stand.