You must concentrate on what you find yourself doing in order to achieve success despite the shame and pain try to preserve through that dangerous situation and stop listening to excuses of negative opinions from people that failed in that field and reach out to your destiny and you will be proud of yourself that you did and people will always copy and use you as a role model.
Secondly, for you to get progress and increase, learn from both your failures and successes.
Norman Vincent peal said “we’ve all heard that we have to learn from our mistakes, but I think it is more important to learn from successes. If you learn only from your mistakes are inclined to learn only errors.”
Many people don’t know how to learn from failures to achieve success but some only know how to make more improvement.
Nevertheless, the best way to succeed is to learn from your failures and success. How! I know some people might ask. Now let me tell you how.
Ø Try and read meaning into your failures.
Ø What and what led/caused you to fail.
Ø After that know your disabilities.
Ø Address the areas you were lacking
Ø Try to move again with great speed and seriousness
Ø Evaluate it if there is any or little improvement know you have succeeded.
From successes now.
Ø What made you to succeed
Ø Think of another plan for an extraordinary.
Ø What really made your success comes to exposition and reality. Failures as I said earlier, is taken as a challenge and not as frustrating concentration
Thirdly, determination is also a key factor we need to consider here too.
John Mason said. “determination to multiple your commitments, divide your distraction, subtract your excuses and add your faith”. Become determined or you become deteriorated if I may say because that your situation will become the worst of all.
Finally, don’t be contended with your level or performance. Thomas Edison said “ show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure”.
Try to add more achievement to your success(es) or else poverty will come to your doorstep within the twinkling of an eye.
Zig Ziglar said “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra!! Try and add more to your achievements and you will become the most happiest man on earth and you’ll be glad you did.